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Why Do I Need A Home Inspection


The purpose of a  general home inspection is to identify safety issues and any visible deficiencies in the major systems of the home that have the potential to become costly repairs. This is important information to have when making your decision on one of the biggest investments you will make for you and your family. Krost Home Inspection will provide you with an unbiased comprehensive clear report of the property’s condition containing all the necessary information you will need to make an informed decision on your new home.


Pre-Purchase Home Inspection

You think you’ve found the perfect home – but you shouldn’t sign any paperwork or close the deal before doing your homework. Call on Krost Home Inspection to conduct a pre-purchase inspection of the house in question. We’ll inspect it from top to bottom, inside and out to help you determine whether the house is worthy of your investment.

All of Krost Home Inspection  reports include photographs and a written description of the issues,  how urgent each issue is. These are written in plain English so that you, your Broker and Contractor can  readily understand what the issues are. Full color PDF Reports are  E-Mailed and usually go out the same night the inspection occurred.


What to expect from a  Krost home inspection 

The Pdf home inspector’s report will cover the condition of the home’s heating system; central air conditioning system (temperature permitting); interior plumbing and electrical systems; the roof, attic and visible insulation; walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors; the foundation, basement and structural components

Pre Inspection Agreement
Once scheduled, you will receive a DocuSign  pre inspection agreement
. This must be signed and returned prior to the day of inspection (this is an e-document that is digitally signed and returned via your smart phone or computer). 


Radon Testing

Radon is widely believed to be the second leading cause of lung cancer. Therefore, the EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing for radon in all homes below the third floor. Radon has been found in homes all over the United States. Any home can have a radon problem. On average, one out of every fifteen U.S. homes have a problem. The only way to know whether or not your home has a radon problem is to test for it. EPA recommends that you hire a qualified professional to test for radon when you are buying or selling a home. 

Blower Door Testing

IA blower door test shows the total amount of air leakage in a home. Having a tighter home improves  energy efficiency, and saves money on energy bills. 

The building tightness standard for Montana is targeted at 4 air changes per hour (measured at 50 Pascals pressure control), or 4 ACH50. 

Blower door Infrared Camera Audit (Optional)

An infrared (IR) camera shows the temperature of the house’s surfaces. Improperly insulated areas will appear colder than expected in winter and warmer than expected in summer. The  IR Audit is  to confirm if the house has been properly insulated.

An IR Audit conducted with a Blower Door analysis can detect air leakage.

Water/Well Testing

As a private well owner, you are in a unique position: You control your own water supply. With this benefit come some responsibilities. You are responsible for protecting your valuable ground water resource as well as your family’s health. Occasionally, you may wonder about the safety of your water supply. What do you do? Testing your water for the most common well contaminants is the best course of action.






~Pre-listing Inspection  +PDF                 $425 + depending on Age, Sq Ft, & Location

   (Results Emailed)

~Buyers Inspection + PDF                       $425 +depending on Age, Sq Ft, & Location

   (Results Emailed)

~Condominium Inspection  +PDF            $425 +(interior only) 

   (Results Emailed)

~Commercial Inspection  +PDF              $425 + depending on Age, Sq Ft, & Location

   (Results Emailed)

~Additional living spaces +PDF               $125 + (Guest apartments, mother in law suites etc.)


~Additional out building +PDF                 $125 + (Detached Garage, Out buildings, Wood Sheds etc.)


~Additional Radon Test                            $125    ( Continuous monitor short term test)

   (Results Emailed) 

~Additional   Water Test                           $200-$400 EPA’s "Bare Minimum”to“Complete Inorganic” packages available 

   (Lab results Emailed                        

~Follow up Inspection + PDF                  $125  Home inspection report update from previous inspection


~Blower Door Test                                    $300  Montana new home building requirement 

                                                                                               The building tightness standard for Montana is targeted at 4 air changes

                                                                                               per hour (measured at 50 Pascals pressure control), or 4   ACH50

~Blower Door Test W/                                   

   Infrared Camera Audit                                   $375  IR Camera Audit conducted with a blower door analysis to detect air leakage           ~11 Month Home Warranty Inspection      $325  11 month home warranty Inspection before builders warranty expires.                            

~Bank draw  photo inspection report     $125 10-20 Photos











Whitefish, Kalispell & surrounding Flathead County



With the passion for building & helping people, Todd decided that a home inspection career was perfect. He can take his knowledge & experience & apply it to helping people buy, sell or maintain their current home. Attention to detail, honesty & integrity are what Krost Home Inspection principle foundation is built on.

Photo Krost Home


Krost Home LLC

 LLC      #C1075039

 MT       #H10211

 PHII     #LMH30000037828

 NAAHI #316076

 NACHI #22011864


Krost Home Inspection

1145 Eagle View Ranch Road

Whitefish, Montana  59937





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